Blessing of the Advent Wreath

And the Prayers to Accompany the Lighting of the Candles Each Week of Advent

Traditionally, Advent wreaths are constructed of a circle of evergreen branches into which four candles are inserted, representing the four weeks of Advent. Ideally, three candles are purple, and one is rose, but white candles can also be used. 

The circular wreath represents God’s infinite love for us, for just as a circle has no end, neither does God’s love end.  The evergreen of the traditional Advent wreath also symbolizes the “the hope of eternal life brought by Jesus Christ” just as evergreens bring hope during the bleakest parts of winter reminding us that life still exists and spring will come again. 

The purple candles symbolize the prayer, penance, and preparatory sacrifices and goods works undertaken at this time. The rose candle is lit on the third Sunday, Gaudete Sunday, when the priest also wears rose vestments at Mass; Gaudete Sunday is the Sunday of rejoicing, because the faithful have arrived at the midpoint of Advent, when their preparation is now half over, and they are close to Christmas.  The flames of the candles represent Christ’s light in Darkness and the warmth of the flame reminds of the warmth of Christ’s love.   If your Advent wreath includes a white candle in the canter, this is to symbolize the arrival of Christmastide, which is known as the ‘Christ candle’.  It is lit for the first time on Christmas Eve after the Christmas Eve Mass has been celebrated, and may be lit throughout the rest of the Christmas season.

Each week as we light the candles, we pray for joy, peace, hope, and love, which is why you may sometimes see the individual candles called the “hope candle”, the “joy candle”, etc..  There are prayers and scriptures that are suggested to be read each week as the candles are lit.  These prayers can be prayed daily, but we do encourage you to pray them at least at the start of each new week of Advent (on each Sunday).  An additional layers of meaning name the first candle as the Messiah or Prophecy candle (representing the prophets who predicted the coming of Jesus), the second is the Bethlehem candle (representing the journey of Joseph and Mary), the third represents the shepherds and their joy, and the fourth is the Angel’s candle, representing peace.

The progressive lighting of the candles symbolizes the expectation and hope surrounding our Lord’s first coming into the world and the anticipation of his second coming to judge the living and the dead.

The blessing of the Advent wreath is meant to accompany the start of the Advent Season.  There are many variations of the Advent wreath ceremony and many different published prayers and devotions.  We encourage you to pray the Blessing of the Advent Wreath each year on the first Sunday of Advent, and then continue with the prayers at the start each week during the lighting of Advent candles.

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Sacred Heart Catholic Church:    1405 W Fair Play St, Bolivar, MO, 65613

Office Hours:

8:00 AM-4:00PM (Closed for Lunch from 12:00PM-1:00PM and on Holy Days)

Phone Number: 417-326-5596

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