Litany of the Dying
The Litany for the Dying is a litany prayer imploring the prayers of the saints and for the mercy of God upon the dying.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.
Jesus, graciously hear us. Jesus, hear us.
God, the Father of Heaven, have mercy on them.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on them.
God, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on them.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on them.
Holy Mary, pray for them
Holy Mother of God, pray for them
Holy Virgin of virgins, pray for them.
St. Michael, leader of the heavenly host, pray for them.
St. Gabriel, messenger of the divine plan, pray for them.
St. Raphael, companion on our journey, pray for them.
All you holy Angels and Archangels, pray for them.
All you choirs of the just, pray for them.
Holy Abel, pray for them.
Holy Abraham, pray for them.
St. John the Baptist, pray for them.
St. Joseph, pray for them.
All ye patriarchs and prophets, pray for them.
St. Peter, pray for them.
St. Paul, pray for them.
St. Andrew, pray for them.
St. John, pray for them.
St. Jude, pray for them.
All you holy apostles and evangelists, pray for them.
All you holy disciples of the Lord, pray for them.
All you holy Innocents, pray for them.
St. Stephen, pray for them.
St. Lawrence, pray for them.
All you holy martyrs, pray for them.
St. Sylvester, pray for them.
St. Gregory, pray for them.
St. Augustine, pray for them.
St. Basil, pray for them.
St. Ambrose, pray for them.
St. Francis de Sales, pray for them.
St. Bonaventure, pray for them.
All you holy bishops and confessors, pray for them.
St. Benedict, pray for them.
St. Francis of Assisi, pray for them.
St. Dominic, pray for them.
St. Ignatius, pray for them.
St. Philip Neri, pray for them.
St. Camillus de Lellis, pray for them.
St. John of God, pray for them.
All you holy monks and hermits, pray for them.
All you founders of religious orders, pray for them.
St. Mary Magdalene, pray for them.
St. Lucy, pray for them.
St. Scholastica, pray for them.
St. Teresa, pray for them.
St. Clare, pray for them.
St. Angela Merici, pray for them.
St. Jane Frances de Chantal, pray for them.
All you holy virgins and widows, pray for them.
All you men and women, saints of God, make intercession for them.
Be merciful, spare them, O Lord.
Be merciful, graciously hear us, O Lord.
From Thy anger, deliver them, O Lord.
From an unhappy death, deliver them, O Lord.
From the pains of hell, deliver them, O Lord.
From all evil, deliver them, O Lord.
From the power of the devil, O Lord, deliver them.
Through Thy nativity, O Lord, deliver them.
Through Thy cross and passion, O Lord, deliver them.
Through Thy death and burial, O Lord, deliver them.
Through Thy glorious resurrection, O Lord, deliver them.
Through Thy admirable ascension, O Lord, deliver them.
Through the graces of the Holy Spirit the Paraclete, O Lord, deliver them.
In the day of judgment, O Lord, deliver them.
We sinners… beseech Thee to hear us.
That Thou spare them… we beseech Thee, hear us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us
Let us pray.
We beseech Thy clemency, O Lord, that Thou would vouchsafe so to strengthen Thy servants in Thy grace, that, at the hour of death, the enemy may not prevail over them, and that they may deserve to pass with Thy angels into everlasting life. Amen.
God of mercy, God of goodness; O God, who, according to the multitude of Thy mercies, forgives the sins of such as repent, and graciously remit the guilt of their past offenses, mercifully regard this Thy servant and grant them a full discharge from all their sins, who most earnestly begs it of Thee. Remove, O merciful Father, whatever is corrupt in them through human frailty, or by the snares of the enemy; make them a true member of the Church, and let them partake of the fruit of Thy redemption. Have compassion, Lord, on their tears, and admit them to reconciliation with Thee, who has no hope but in Thee, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
I recommend you, dear soul, to Almighty God, and leave you to His mercy whose creature you art; that having paid the common debt, by surrendering your soul, you may return to the Maker, who formed you out of the earth. May, therefore, the splendid company of angels meet your soul at its departure; may the court of the apostles receive you; may the triumphant army of glorious martyrs conduct you; may the crowds of joyful confessors encompass you; may the choir of blessed virgins go before you; may a happy rest be your portion in the company of the patriarchs; and may Christ Jesus appear to you with a mild and cheerful countenance, and give you a place among those who are to be in His presence forever. May you be a stranger to all that which is punished with darkness, chastised with flames, and condemned with torments. May the wicked enemy, with all his evil spirits, depart from you; may he tremble at your approach in the company of the angels, and retire into the horrid confusion of eternal night. May God arise, and your enemies be put to flight. May all who hate him fly before His face. Let them vanish like smoke, and as wax before the fire; so let sinners perish in the sight of God; but for the just, let them rejoice and be happy in His presence. May they rest in peace. Amen.
Saturday Mass Schedule:
Sunday Mass Schedule
Sacred Heart Catholic Church: 1405 W Fair Play St, Bolivar, MO, 65613
Office Hours:
8:00 AM-4:00PM (Closed for Lunch from 12:00PM-1:00PM and on Holy Days)
Phone Number: 417-326-5596