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Invisible Monastery
Invisible Monastery is a worldwide community of people committed to praying for vocations. Our goal is to attract enough members to pray for vocations 24 hours a day in every diocese.

God Calling: Vocation Vibes
A Podcast: Conversations with the Little Sisters of the Poor

Vision Vocation Network
Since 1987 VISION has been providing hundreds of thousands of readers each year with information on the broad spectrum of Catholic religious life through first-person accounts, profiles, photo stories, and articles about discernment, community life, vows, ministry, and Catholic teachings.

National Religious Vocation Conference
The National Religious Vocation Conference is a catalyst for vocation discernment and the full flourishing of religious life as sisters, brothers, and priests for the ongoing transformation of the world.

Brotherhood of Hope
The Brotherhood of Hope is a community of Catholic Brothers—we live together, pray together and serve together, under the inspiration of our founding charism that Jesus Christ is All-Sufficient. Our primary mission is evangelization on secular college campuses

Vianney Vocations
We are a team of communications experts, committed to Jesus and His Church, who help Vocation Offices to effectively reach young Catholics and inspire them to open their hearts to God’s call.

Diocesan Priest
Diocesan Priest serves ordinary men who are responding to their call to holiness and offers guidance for the question:
“Is Jesus Christ calling me to be a Catholic priest?”

The Melchizedek Project
The Melchizedek Project helps Catholic men explore the priesthood in a small group where they find support and fraternity. Together, they discuss the priesthood, listen for God’s voice, and learn how to answer His call.

A Vocations Curriculum
To Make God Known, Loved, and Served is a vocations curriculum offered as a free download. The intent is to provide these resources to grade school teachers and catechists to assist them in their efforts to help students come to a deeper appreciation of the Church’s vision of vocation.

Lesson Plans for National Vocation Awareness Week
Lessons for K-8th grade for the National Vocation Awareness Week

Holy Orders Word Search
Word Search activity

Preschool Lessons
Three lessons for Preschoolers who will learn the term “vocation” or calling, the role of the priest at Mass, and their role in supporting priests.

1st-3rd Grade Lessons
A lesson for 1st-3rd Graders who will help students to be able to name and define the seven sacraments of the Church and understand the purpose behind each sacrament.

Intermediate Grade Lessons
A lesson for 4th-6th Graders who will help students to be able to name and define the seven sacraments of the Church and understand the purpose behind each sacrament.

Crossword on Sacrament of Holy Orders
A crossword puzzle on the Sacrament of Holy Orders

Vocations Glossary
A crossword puzzle on the Sacrament of Holy Orders

Our Lady Vocation Prayer Cards
Vocation Prayer Cards to our mother Mary

St Joseph Vocation Prayer Cards
Vocation Prayer Cards to St Joseph
Saturday Mass Schedule:
Sunday Mass Schedule
Sacred Heart Catholic Church: 1405 W Fair Play St, Bolivar, MO, 65613
Office Hours:
8:00 AM-4:00PM (Closed for Lunch from 12:00PM-1:00PM and on Holy Days)
Phone Number: 417-326-5596